Fiche cheval caspian sea

R6C10 du

platgulfstream park1600M45825maiden optional claiming 1600m10 partantsdépart à 21:35
Non-partants : 8
16cumberlandH35p6p6p2p3pl saez/101:35
25song on the radioM34pp lopez/1
37flat top boxM34p0p3p5pi ortiz, jr./1
42blind eyeH43p2p3p3p3pj batista/1
53for the chiefH35p4p3p3p3pj rios/1
1don't answerH33p5p3p4p2pl panici/1
4he's a lucky guyH38p2p2pe zayas/1
8caspian seaM36p5p5pl reyes/1
9sixwillberichH34p6p2p5p3ps bridgmohan/1
10trustme iamadoctorH36p9pe gonzalez/1
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